Share a write-up about your organization or story FREE. Yes, FREE.
- Do you own or manage a family-friendly business? Or, are you involved in a local non-profit?
- Are you looking for efficient ways to spread the word about your organization?
- Or, perhaps you had a great experience at a local establishment, park, or festival, and you’d like to write about the wonderful time you had?
Why YourTravelCap?

- First and foremost: This is free.
- is a growing website with thousands of sessions (views) per month.
- The majority of site visitors are from the 6 New England states and the State of New York.
- Our Facebook group, Things to do in MA, RI, and NH, has over 10,000 members. Every post about a MA, RI, or NH location on the blog is shared in this group.
- Your location will be added to our map. To date, this map has had over 80,000 lifetime views. It’s added at the end of most of our posts.
How it works
- Read the criteria section below, and then e-mail me at [email protected] with the place/topic you’d like to write about. Don’t begin writing until you’ve heard back. In my e-mail, I’ll ask you to confirm that you’ve read everything on this page.
- Once you get the go-ahead, write your article/post and send it to me via e-mail, Google Doc link, or Word file.
- Send some pictures also. Keep in mind that many people will look at pictures but may not necessarily read anything you wrote.
- I’ll ask my better half to proofread your work (she’s a wicked smart English nut). Your post will be edited for grammar, punctuation, and clarification. I may also do a little bit of editing for SEO purposes (to help online search engines find your post). We’ll make sure that we add a byline.
- Once it’s live, I’ll add a pin point on our map with the location of the post and share it in our Facebook group (for MA, NH, and RI locations).
- Then you can share the link with everyone you know!
- The location you’re writing about should be family friendly. It’s a place or event you can go to and have a good time with your family or friends. Please, nothing controversial.
- If you’re writing about an experience, please remember that this is not a review. Say nothing negative about the place you’re writing about. No one wants to be involved in a libel case.
- Send a few pictures. People love to see photos!
- We’re looking for non-chain companies/businesses, unless your particular company has strong New England/Northeast roots. If you have questions about this, please e-mail me.
- Most of the readership and topics on the site are from/about New England. But, if you’d like to write about a place outside of the area, I’d be open to that too. It’s free…so you might as well!
- Your writing must be coherent. If it’s too messy, we may tell you to rework your article before sending it back to us.
- No political remarks, snide comments, profanity, etc,. will be tolerated. We are not a controversial site. Consider us Switzerland.
- If you are writing about or on behalf of a religious organization or event, the post cannot be for the purpose of evangelizing or growing the congregation. Anyone of any faith or belief should be able to read your post and feel comfortable visiting the event/location.
- Your post should not have any other agenda than spreading the word about your location or experience. This means that if the apparent goal of the post or business is to advance a social or political agenda, it will not be accepted. This is to help maintain the neutrality of the site.
- Events about protests or demonstrations will not be accepted.
- By sending me something to be posted, you’re agreeing that what you wrote is 100% your own work and 100% in your own words. Same goes for your photos. No copying or pasting from any other source is allowed. Because you’re writing about a specific place, stock photos are not allowed. If it comes to our attention that you copied from another source, your post will be instantly deleted. Remember, your post will have a byline with your name.
Some more info
- Remember, this is free. To help offset the costs of running a website, I may add ads or affiliate links to the post. I’m open to suggestions of the placement of said ads and links, but in the end I’ll need to make the final placement decisions.
- When possible, I may try to incorporate your place into a “list” post. For example, a “Ten Things to do in Cranston” is a list post. In this case, I’ll use one of your photos in the post and link your post in the blurb.
- Your photos may be used to create links or graphics that are intended to drive traffic to the site and your post. An example of this would be the creation of a pin on Pinterest.
- This next one sounds mean, but I’m sure you understand why I have to state it: While I hope that I don’t ever have to do this, please remember that I may, in my sole discretion, take down or delete a post. There may be various reasons why this may happen, which include but is not limited to a location closing or receiving negative attention.
- I may also, at my sole discretion, refuse to post an article that you’ve sent me. The main reason why this may happen is due to the article not following criteria above.