Have you ever felt stressed while traveling? Do unfamiliar, international airports evoke a sense of anxiety, causing you to be nervous about missing your flight? If so, you’re not alone. And if no, keep reading anyway. Chances are that you have either traveled or will travel with someone who has or has had, shall we […]
Travel Tips
Why New England is Better than Florida
Have family and friends who constantly say that Florida is better than New England? Here are some reasons why they’re misguided.
Horrible Hotel? Here’s What to Do
Here are some tips on what to do to help prevent booking a reservation at a horrible hotel, what to do if you end up at a horrible hotel, and what to do after if your concerns aren’t dealt with.
4 Reasons to Turn Off the GPS
Turn of the GPS? Am I insane? Probably, but hear me out first!
Road Trip to New England? What to know before you share the road with us.
New England is amazing. It is, hands down, the best place in the country to visit. There are beaches, mountains, and history all within a few hours’ drive. Okay, I’m biased. I was born and raised in New England, and I’m proud to call it my home. So if you’re not from New England, and […]
Traveling with A Malformed Skull
Thousands of people are afflicted with Chiari Malformation, and many doctor’s are unaware of its existence. Is it safe for them to travel?